How to Handle Negative Comments on Social Media

November 27, 2020

If you're putting yourself, your brand, or your business on social media, it is bound to happen... Eventually, you're going to get some negative feedback or comments. Most people are afraid to see a negative comment on one of their Facebook post. It's scary to deal with an upset customer, or someone who had a less than ideal experience with your service. But just because someone posts a negative comment, doesn't mean there's nothing you can do about it. In fact, you should look at those negative comments as an opportunity. Watch the video to see how you can use this negative comment to your benefit.

When dealing with negative comments online, you must be respectful and professional. Use this opportunity to show just how serious you take customer service. Think of this interaction as if you were talking face-to-face with the person. This means, addressing it immediately. If someone was in your office or place of business, you would handle the situation right away.Then, acknowledge their situation. You don't necessarily have to apologize for what happened, but you should understand that they might not have been happy with your product or services. Lastly, and more importantly, try to offer a solution to the problem. Depending on the situation, you may have to ask to take the problem offline. Ask them to call you so you can talk to them over the phone.When dealing with negative comments online, you must be proactive. Don't wait. Trust us, you can turn that negative comment into a positive experience for both you and the customer.